Welcome to the Sandhurst Farm Forge Studios
Please click or tap on the ‘See more here’ text (below) for more information and some examples of work.
Isabel Dickinson
Excited by colour, texture and pattern, I am very much influenced by my organic surroundings. I produce wheel thrown and sculptural clay pieces with the intriguing addition of felted textiles. Much of my work involves the use of underglazes as an integral part of my decoration. See more here…
Will Dickinson
Will Dickinson's practice follows two disciplines. On one hand he is a self-taught woodturner, combining wood and found material via traditional methods. To demonstrate the adoptive nature of wood and making us aware of how it integrates itself into our homes and environments. And on the other he explores a conceptually driven practice, attempting to expose a material's own identity through the alteration of function, form, purpose and origin. Both practices share a common aim, which is to understand ways in which we share relationships with material. See more here…
Kate Dickinson

Although having trained as a Fashion and Textiles Teacher, I have always admired traditional crafts. I am influenced by my rural surroundings, taking a mixed media approach, mixing soft textiles with the harder materials. I am now enjoying the exciting prospect of having the time to rekindle my creativity with a more experimental, 3-Dimensional woven approach, combining my textile world with metal, wood, ceramics and stone. I follow the process through from raw materials to a finished piece, spinning, natural dyeing, weaving and working with 'eco' dyeing enhanced with freehand machine work. See more here…
Charlie Dickinson

The term ‘Artist Blacksmith’ has been used widely in recent years to describe people who set up in practice from a variety of backgrounds which include Welding, Design, Fine Art and Sculpture, Engineering and many others.
Having trained in the traditional manner as an apprentice, my working life has always been to make and repair objects that have a function. After mainly working to commission, I now find myself having the opportunity, as an Artist Blacksmith, to enjoy the challenge of making objects purely for their aesthetic appearance. Not only using alternative metals, but experimenting, and presenting a mixed media approach, currently incorporating stone. See more here…